This powerful, yet gentle & effective cleaning concentrate goes into a bottle, to which you add water to be sprayed or wiped on surfaces that require a quick clean up. This spray allows you to quickly, safely & easily clean up hard & soft surfaces including yoga mats, counters & floors.
Quick, small mess, light duty clean up around the house.
This is the most common cleaner around our own home including counter tops, after raw pet food feeding, bathroom quick clean ups and regular floor mopping.
Spray surface or cloth & wipe or scrub depending upon soil level. No rinsing required. Allow to dry.
4oz bottle will make 6 x 500ml bottles of cleaner (~20ml of concentrate to 500ml water).
Multi-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate
castille soap, polysorbate 20, essential oils of sweet orange, lemon, tea tree, lavender & peppermint